DASH 1.1.0
DASH (DASH Associates Shared Haplotypes) builds upon pairwise IBD shared segments to infer clusters of IBD individuals. Briefly, for each locus, DASH constructs a graph with links based on IBD at that locus, and uses an iterative min-cut approach to identify clusters. These are densely connected components, each sharing a haplotype. As DASH slides the local window along the genome, links representing new shared segments are added and old ones expire; these changes cause the resultant connected components to grow and shrink.
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Alexander Gusev, Eimear E. Kenny, Jennifer K. Lowe, Jaqueline Salit, Richa Saxena, Sekar Kathiresan, David M. Altshuler, Jeffrey M. Friedman, Jan L. Breslow, Itsik Pe’er.
DASH: A Method for Identical-by-Descent Haplotype Mapping Uncovers Association with Recent Variation,
The American Journal of Human Genetics 2011 Volume 88, Issue 6, 706-717