PathVisio-MIM 2.0.11
PathVisio-MIM is a software of MIM (Molecular Interaction Map) plugin for PathVisio allows users to produce diagrams of bioregulatory systems according to an implementation of notation first developed by Kurt Kohn in 1999. The plugin has two main features: 1) it provides users with the glyphs necessary to draw MIM diagrams and 2) it allows users to import and export to the MIM Markup Language (MIMML) format, a format developed to exchange MIM diagrams between MIM compatible tools and used to validate MIM diagrams. Diagrams produced using the MIM PathVisio plugin can be exported into several image formats including PDF, PNG, SVG, and TIFF.
Bioinformatics. 2011 Aug 1;27(15):2165-6. Epub 2011 Jun 2.
PathVisio-MIM: PathVisio plugin for creating and editing Molecular Interaction Maps (MIMs).
Luna A, Sunshine ML, van Iersel MP, Aladjem MI, Kohn KW.