GOAP – Protein Structure Prediction



GOAP is a generalized orientation-dependent, all-atom statistical potential for protein structure prediction. It was benchmarked against other state-the-art similar potentials and was shown to be significantly better for discriminating native structures from decoys



Center for the Study of Systems Biology


  • Linux





H. Zhou and J. Skolnick:
GOAP: A generalized orientation-dependent, all-atom statistical potential for protein structure prediction,
Biophysical Journal, 101(8):2043-2052, 2011

One thought on “GOAP – Protein Structure Prediction”

  1. Dear Dr. Zhou and Dr. Skolnick,

    When I calculate the GOAP score of a PDB (e.g., 1mal.pdb downloaded from wwPDB), an error ‘Segmentation fault (core dumped)’ occured. I tested different PDBs, such as part of 1mal.pdb and the t0281.pdb in your deposited zip. And I found when the size of PDB is less than 950 KB, the ./goap<tmp.inp can be executed. Also, I test different system, the error still occured. Could you give some suggestion about this error? Or is there any solution?

    Thank you in advance!

    iHuman institute, ShanghaiTech University

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