BioconductorBuntu is a custom distribution of Ubuntu Linux that automatically installs a server-side microarray processing environment, and provides a user friendly web-based graphical user interface to many of the tools developed by the Bioconductor Project, whether locally or across a network. Installation is a turn-key procedure, simply based on booting off the installation CD or image file. In its current version, several microarrays analysis pipelines are supported including oligonucleotide (e.g. Affymetrix Genechips), dual or single dye (e.g. Exqion miRNA arrays) experiments, with the existing set of preprocessing methods for normalization, background correction and so on are easily expanded.
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Applied Mathematics
National University of Ireland Galway, University Road
- bootable CD-ROM drive
Paul Geeleher, Dermot Morris, John P. Hinde and Aaron Golden
BioconductorBuntu – A Linux Distribution that Implements a Web-Based DNA Microarray Analysis Server
Bioinformatics (2009) 25 (11): 1438-1439
BioconductorBuntu will make our work easy as it has user friendly interface.I will try to install it to see the new features of it.I am doing stydy about Analysis Of Gene Expression .So have a knowledge of microarray analysis server is helpful for me.