SConES / Multi-SConES – Efficient Network-guided multi-locus Association Mapping with Graph Cuts / Multi-task Version

SConES / Multi-SConES


SConES (Selecting Connected Explanatory SNPs) is a network-guided multi-locus association mapping methods. It allows for the discovery genetic loci that are maximally associated with a phenotype, and tend to be connected on an underlying network. This network can be constructed from a gene-gene interaction network (based on proximity), or in any way such that you believe that neighboring SNPs should tend to be selected together.

Multi-SConES is a multi-task version of SConES. This method achieves multi-task feature selection coupled with multiple network regularizers using a maximum-flow algorithm.


Machine Learning and Computational Biology Research Group




  • Linux / Windows/ MacOsX
  • Matlab / R


 SConES , Multi-SConES



Sugiyama, M., Azencott, C.-A., Grimm, D., Kawahara, Y., Borgwardt, K. M.
Multi-Task Feature Selection on Multiple Networks via Maximum Flows,
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2014), 2014.

Chloe-Agathe Azencott, Dominik Grimm, Mahito Sugiyama, Yoshinobu Kawahara and Karsten Borgwardt:
Efficient network-guided multi-locus association mapping with graph cuts,
Accepted at ISMB 2013 and Bioinformatics (2013) 29 (13): i171-i179