Bio-SPICE Dashboard 7.0 – Viological Simulation Program for Intra- & Inter-Cellular Evaluation

Bio-SPICE Dashboard 7.0


Bio-SPICE, an open source framework and software toolset for Systems Biology, is intended to assist biological researchers in the modeling and simulation of spatio-temporal processes in living cells. In addition, our goal is to develop and serve a user community committed to using, extending, and exploiting these tools to further our knowledge of biological processes.

Bio-SPICE is intended for modeling and simulation of spatio-temporal processes in living cells.

The core of the Bio-SPICE application is called the Dashboard. The Bio-SPICE Dashboard has an Update Center and allows for different tool functionality to be downloaded, data to be specified, and both to be integrated into tool chains and work flows for modeling, analysis, and simulation.


Biospice Project Team



  • Windows/ Linux / Mac OsX
  • JAVA


Bio-SPICE Dashboard ; Tutorial ; plugin modules


Bio-SPICE is now released under the open-source Bio-SPICE BSD License.