RasTop 2.2 – Molecular Visualization Software Adapted for Rasmol

RasTop 2.2


RasTop is a molecular visualization software adapted from the program RasMol, which was initially developed by Roger Sayle. RasTop is particularly adapted for educational purposes and for the rapid analysis of macromolecules at the bench.  RasTop wraps a user-friendly graphical interface around the “RasMol molecular engine”. There is no need to type on the command line; each command in the menu generates its own script. Through an extended menu and a command panel, users can manipulate numerous molecules rapidly and learn about them. Work sessions are saved in script format and are fully regenerated with a simple mouse click.


Philippe Valadon



  • Windows
  • Linux with Wine
  • Mac with Virtual PC


RasTop 2.2Version Francaise


RasTop 2.2 is distributed both under the GPL license ad the Rasmol license.  Certain conditions apply to users and to developers to ensure that RasTop remain open source. Please, consult the license.txt and raslic.txt file in the package.