DROMPA 3.7.2 / DROMPAplus 1.10.0 – Peak-calling and Visualization Tool for Multiple ChIP-seq Data

DROMPA 3.7.2 / DROMPAplus 1.10.0


DROMPA (DRaw and Observe Multiple enrichment Profiles and Annotation) is cost-effient program for peak-calling and visualization for ChIP-seq analysis. DROMPA outputs the protein binding profile map (ChIP-reads distribution and ChIP/control enrichment profile) with genomic annotation specified in pdf or png format, which can be easily handled and processed by users with little bioinformatics background. DROMPA has an associated program named parse2wig, which preprocesses the map file into wig files. This two-step procedure can drastically reduce the computational memory and time required, which makes enable to analyze large-scale ChIP-seq data (e.g., more than 10 human samples and/or multiple executions for each sample with trial-and-error) on a conventional desktop computer.

DROMPAplus is an update of DROMPA3. It is written in C++ and runs from a single launch command on conventional Linux systems.


Nakato lab








Nakato R, Sakata T.
Methods for ChIP-seq analysis: A practical workflow and advanced applications.
Methods. 2021 Mar;187:44-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2020.03.005. Epub 2020 Mar 30. PMID: 32240773.

Genes Cells. 2013 Jul;18(7):589-601. doi: 10.1111/gtc.12058.
DROMPA: easy-to-handle peak calling and visualization software for the computational analysis and validation of ChIP-seq data.
Nakato R, Itoh T, Shirahige K.

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