yrGATE 2.0.1
yrGATE (Your Gene structure Annotation Tool for Eukaryotes) is a web-based gene-structure annotation tool for the identification and dissemination of eukaryotic genes.yrGATE provides an Annotation Tool and Community Utilities for worldwide web-based community genome and gene annotation. Annotators can evaluate gene structure evidence derived from multiple sources to create gene structure annotations. Administrators regulate the acceptance of annotations into published gene sets. yrGATE is designed to facilitate rapid and accurate annotation of emerging genomes as well as to confirm, refine, or correct currently published annotations. yrGATE is highly portable and supports different standard input and output formats.
The Brendel Group @ Indiana University
- Linux
Wilkerson, M.D., Schlueter, S.D. & Brendel, V. (2006)
yrGATE: a web-based gene-structure annotation tool for the identification and dissemination of eukaryotic genes.
Genome Biol. 7, R58.