Judi 1.0 – Data and Model Integration for Biology

Judi 1.0


Judi ( Java platform for unsupervised data and model integration ) is a software written in Java, with an aim to provide a user-friendly tool for general unsupervised data and model integration. For many problems in biology, such as gene function prediction and differentially expressed gene identification, and general feature selection problems, there are often multiple data sources available and/or multiple models/tools have been developed to solve the problem. The combination of evidences from multiple data sources and the integration of the output from different models will probably enhance our ability to solve the problem. Judi implements several algorithms and also provides a user-friendly interface to facilitate this process.


Xuebing Wu



  • Windows / Linux / MacOsX
  • Java





Xuebing Wu, Feng Zeng, Rui Jiang (2008)
Integrative inference of gene networks from expression data.
Poster at RECOMB Regulatory Genomics/Systems Biology/DREAM3, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2008. MA, USA

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