Subread 2.0.2 / RSubread 2.6.1 – Processing Next-gen Sequencing data

Subread 2.0.2 / RSubread 2.6.1


The Subread package is a toolkit for processing next-gen sequencing data

  • Subread: a very efficient and accurate read aligner suitable for mapping both gDNA-seq and RNA-seq reads (local alignments for RNA-seq reads). It can be used to map both short and long reads.
  • Subjunc: a specialized program developed for discovering exon-exon junctions and mapping RNA-seq reads (global alignments). It is highly accurate in discovering exon-exon junctions and mapping exon-spanning reads.
  • featureCounts: a program developed for summarizing reads to genomic features. It typically takes less than 4 minutes and uses at most 40MB of memory to summarize 20 million read pairs to 25k genes.


WEHI Bioinformatics








Liao Y, Smyth GK and Shi W.
The Subread aligner: fast, accurate and scalable read mapping by seed-and-vote.
Nucleic Acids Research, 41(10):e108, 2013

Liao Y, Smyth GK and Shi W.
featureCounts: an efficient general-purpose read summarization program.
arXiv:1305.3347, 2013

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