SIMS 2.14 – Sample Information Management System

SIMS 2.14


SIMS (SIMBioMS) is a web based system that allows researchers to track information related to sample collection, processing, location, transportation and storage conditions etc. The system can be easilly used either for Data submission – entering and editing the information on samples and individuals, or Data access – browsing and querying this information, and generating reports. The organization of data within SIMS is based on three main categories: First level (Persons), Second level (Samples) and Third level (Aliquots), where an arbitrary number of second level records (samples) can be associated with each record from the first level (person) and an arbitrary number of third level records (aliquots) can be associated with each the second level record (sample). It is possible to configure SIMS with other categories’ titles and meta-data (for example, Persons, Vists and Samples or Persons, Characteristics and Samples).









Bioinformatics. 2009 Oct 15;25(20):2768-9. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp420. Epub 2009 Jul 24.
A System for Information Management in BioMedical Studies–SIMBioMS.
Krestyaninova M1, Zarins A, Viksna J, Kurbatova N, Rucevskis P, Neogi SG, Gostev M, Perheentupa T, Knuuttila J, Barrett A, Lappalainen I, Rung J, Podnieks K, Sarkans U, McCarthy MI, Brazma A.

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