DRIM – Discover Motifs in a list of ranked DNA sequences



DRIM (Discovery of Rank Imbalanced Motifs) is a tool for discovering short motifs in a list of nucleic acid sequences. DRIM was originally developed for DNA sequences and successfully applied on ChIP-chip and CpG methylation data. The current version has enhanced functionality and can be applied for both DNA and RNA. This new version was used to predict UTR motifs and Splicing Factor binding motifs based on RIP-Chip or CLIP data.
From a mathematical point of view, DRIM identifies subsequences that tend to appear at the top of the list more often than in the rest of the list. The definition of TOP in this context is flexible and driven by the data. Explicitly – DRIM identifies a threshold at which the statistical difference between top and rest is maximized. An exact p-value for the optimized event is also provided.


Yakhini Lab and the Mandel-Gutfreund Lab, at the Technion.








E. Eden, D. Lipson, S. Yogev & Z. Yakhini.
Discovering Motifs in Ranked Lists of DNA Sequences,
PLoS Computational Biology, 2007.

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