PLATO 2.1.0 – Analysis of Genome-wide Association data

PLATO 2.1.0


PLATO (PLatform for the Analysis, Translation, and Organization of large-scale data) is a system for the analysis of genome-wide association data that will incorporate several analytical approaches as filters to allow a scientist to choose whatever analytical methods they wish to apply. PLATO (PLatform for the Analysis, Translation, and Organization of large-scale data) will incorporate a number of filters to select the important SNPs in a genome-wide association study. PLATO was designed to aid in retrieving, evaluating, formatting, and analyzing genotypic and clinical data from the latest large-scale genotyping studies. PLATO implements a battery of quality control procedures to assess the data.


Ritchie Lab




  • Linux





Finding unique filter sets in plato: a precursor to efficient interaction analysis in gwas data.
Grady BJ, Torstenson E, Dudek SM, Giles J, Sexton D, Ritchie MD.
Pac Symp Biocomput. 2010:315-26.

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