pclogit 0.1 / gfusetlpclogit 1.0 – Penalized Conditional/Unconditional Logistic Regression

pclogit 0.1 / gfusetlpclogit 1.0


pclogit (penalized conditional logistic) is an R package for penalized conditional/unconditional logistic regression using a network-based peanlty for matched/unmatched case-control data with grouped or graph-constrained variables. The algorithm is efficient for fitting the regularization path and for providing selection probabilities of each predictor for the anaylsis of high-dimensional matched/unmatched case-control data. It uses cyclical coordinate descent in a pathwise fashion.

gfusetlpclogit is an R package for penalized conditional/unconditional logistic regression that combines the truncated lasso penalty and a graph fuse-lasso penalty to induce parsimonious and consistent models, also to incorporate the network structure of correlated CpG sites in a gene without introducing extra bias. The algorithm is efficient for fitting the regularization path and for providing selection probabilities of each predictor for the anaylsis of high-dimensional matched/unmatched case-control data.


Wang Lab @ Biostatistics Department




  • Linux
  • R


 pclogit , gfusetlpclogit



Sun H, Wang S (2013)
Network-based regularization for matched case-control analysis of high-dimensional DNA methylation data
Statistics in Medicine, 32:2127–2139

Sun H, Wang S (2012)
Penalized Logistic Regression for High-dimensional DNA Methylation Data with Case-Control Studies
Bioinformatics, 28:1368-1375