FootPrinter 2.1 / MicroFootPrinter – Phylogenetic Footprinting

FootPrinter 2.1


FootPrinter is a program for phylogenetic footprinting. Phylogenetic footprinting is a method that identifies putative regulatory elements in DNA sequences. It identifies regions of DNA that are unusually well conserved across a set of orthologous sequences.

FootPrinter Web version

MicroFootPrinter is a front end to the FootPrinter phylogenetic footprinting program, but with specific focus on prokaryotic genomes. You supply a prokaryotic species and gene of interest, and you set a few parameters (or leave them at their default values). MicroFootPrinter will then find related prokaryotes containing a homologous gene, and run FootPrinter to identify motifs that are well conserved across the cis-regulatory regions of these homologous genes.

MicroFootPrinter Web Version


The Computational & Synthetic Biology group – COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING at UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON






FootPrinter Source Code ; Manual


Citation for FootPrinter:

  • M. Blanchette, B. Schwikowski, M. Tompa, “Algorithms for phylogenetic footprinting”, J. Comput. Biol., vol. 9 (2002) 211-23. Pubmed 12015878.
  • M. Blanchette, M. Tompa, “Discovery of regulatory elements by a computational method for phylogenetic footprinting”, Genome Res., vol. 12 (2002) 739-48.Pubmed 11997340.   Supplement.
  • M. Blanchette, M. Tompa, “FootPrinter: A program designed for phylogenetic footprinting”, Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 31 (2003) 3840-2. Pubmed 12824433.

Citation for MicroFootPrinter: